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We're building a movement for racial justice in education

At Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MnEEP), we’re working alongside students, parents, educators, district leaders, higher ed leaders, and community members—Minnesotans just like you—to advance racial justice and educational excellence for Minnesota’s students.

Together, we can transform education policies, practices, and public narratives to build a racially just education system rooted in healing, joy, and opportunity for students of color and Indigenous students.

Graphic Illustration Of A Diverse Group Of People

Racial Equity

Race equity is a path from hope to justice— where People of Color and Indigenous people (POCI) use their personal agency to build systems of healing and liberation that uplift and value the human dignity of all people.

Race equity in education means the humanity of POCI students is honored and celebrated in all education spaces, and the racial predictability and disproportionality of student achievement is eliminated.

To that end, race equity in education is not merely a value or the absence of racial inequities or disparities. It means that all education systems and structures are just and inclusive, and every student uses their power to shape the world and who they want to be in it.

Our Legislative Priorities

Racial equity in education means the humanity of students of color and Indigenous students (POCI) is honored and uplifted in all education spaces, and the racial predictability and disproportionality of student achievement is eliminated in Minnesota schools.

Read more below about how we’re working to inform key policies to achieve better outcomes for Minnesota’s POCI students, and better outcomes for Minnesota.

Removing barriers to higher-ed

Supporting EL/EML students & educators

Advancing accelerated learning for POCI students

News & Updates

Ron McKinley Award Winners: Celebrating and honoring race equity champions across Minnesota
MnEEP Higher Ed Convening: October 11th
We’re hiring for two positions at MnEEP!
Uplifting leadership for race equity
Minnesota Department of Education seeking English Learner Task Force members
What Minnesota colleges and university’s must ask themselves right now
MDE training opportunities in nonexclusionary discipline
MnEEP higher-ed convenings: What we learned and what’s next
How Minnesota can address its education debt to English Learners
Rethinking school safety: An urgent call to legislators
“Historic investments” in teachers should mean historic investments in racial equity
MnEEP Call to Action on SRO Legislation
MnEEP & Bethel University Free Higher Ed Convening February 29th

Our Vision

Our Five Big Bold Goals for building race equity

We center Five Core Areas and Five Big Bold Goals for building a path from hope to education justice. One where we fundamentally transform the historical systems and structures of racism in ourselves, our institutions, and our communities to build an education system that celebrates the humanity of each student.

Minnesota educational leaders and cultural communities create equitable education systems, structures, and public narratives.

Minnesota educational systems are designed to bring POCI students into relationships with schools and teachers that promote their human dignity.

Minnesota educational systems advance racially and culturally responsive teaching and learning environments for teachers and students.

Minnesota educational leaders embrace the language and culture of each student, and value the home language of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and Asian students as vital for their academic success.

Minnesota higher-education systems are transformed to be racially just, responsive, and accessible for students of color and American Indian students.

Our Model

Working together to transform systems

To build a prosperous future for all Minnesotans, we must fundamentally transform the historical systems and structures that continue to disenfranchise students of color and American Indian students in Minnesota.

MnEEP works alongside communities, educators, districts, and racial equity advocates at every level of systems change to inform, shape, and build a better education system that honors the goals and needs of POCI students and ensures each student in Minnesota has the opportunity to thrive.


Using a race equity lens to guide essential research, policy recommendations, and best practices for advancing racial equity and excellence in all education spaces


Working alongside education leaders and race equity advocates to inform, shape, and advocate for core policies that support the success of Minnesota’s POCI students.


Supporting families, communities, students, districts, educators, and higher-ed staff and faculty in building a movement for racial equity and excellence in education.


Deepening relationships, sharing insights, and building best practices and advocacy for advancing race equity and excellence in education in Minnesota.

Educator Leadership Services

Providing training, educator support, and race equity planning for districts and institutions across the state.

Narrative Change

Shifting perceptions and narratives to build meaningful connections, deepen understanding, and increase advocacy for building a racially just education system.

Join Us!

You can advance education equity in Minnesota

We’re transforming practices, policies, and public narratives to build an education system—and a Minnesota—where everyone can build the lives they deserve.

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