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Building successful models for education equity

Elevate racial equity in education: Discover new models for success with MnEEP and the Minnesota School Board Directors of Color & Indigenous Fellowship on August 30th

MnEEP is excited to announce that Dr. Rev Hillstrom, our Senior Director of Research, will be joining the School Board Directors of Color & Indigenous Fellowship for the online Education Edge Forum on Wednesday, August 30th, from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.

Register for the online forum now!

This event promises an invaluable opportunity for attendees to delve deeper into our recent State of Students of Color Executive Summary.  The summary highlights five case studies using the CLEAR Solutions Framework to demonstrate the effectiveness of centering Culturally Validating Pedagogy and Leadership (CVP/L) in delivering educational experiences for POCI students.

Dr. Rev Hillstrom will be joined by distinguished education leaders and policymakers, centering essential strategies for transforming our education systems to honor and uplift POCI students in profound and meaningful ways.


MnEEP Staff

Led by People of Color and Indigenous (POCI) thought leaders and experts, MnEEP uses a race equity lens to develop and advance networks, practices, research, and policies to dismantle racism in education and build a more just, equitable society.

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